To Catch a Hacker - NPM Even Stream

(Note: this post is from a legacy blog dated 12/14/2018 and some content or links may have changed) A few weeks ago, this issue was opened on a popular Node NPM package called Event Stream. This package enables Node streams to be simpler and streamlines many I/O operations within Node. Regardless, this package is a key dependency for many other Node packages and has over 1 million downloads per week from NPM....

December 14, 2018

Rethink-DB Cookbook

(Note: this is from an old blog archieve dating 2018/11/05. Some things with Rethink have very likely changed) RethinkDB is a JSON based, non-relational database that provides a promise oriented, Node JS backend. It integrates seamlessly with JSON type data and is a production ready option for Node infrastructures. Pre-reqs: Docker, Node, NPM This post will serve as a brief overview of RethinkDB and hopefully give you a taste of how it works and why a JSON based database might be beneficial for you and your product....

November 5, 2018

Virtual machine trouble?? Try Docker!

If you are a Oregon State CS 344 student, then you’ve been told to develop exclusively on the OS1 server. Unfortunately, this server is frequently nuked by fork bombs. If you are unable to run a full CentOS virtual machine, then here is a step by step guide to getting a CentOS docker container running on your computer. This way, you can continue to work on your assignments in a similar environment to OS1 and not have to have a full virtual machine running!...

May 13, 2017

Vim Tips!

(Note: this is a post from a legacy blog. This post was intended to help new OSU students get started with Vim) I’d consider myself some sort of Vim - evangelist. It’s an incredible tool and has ALOT of power. If there’s something you wish Vim could do, there’s probably a plugin for it or a way to make Vim do it with scripting (in its own language!). Moderate proficiency in Vim is a skill that nearly every developer could benefit from....

March 22, 2017