Editing Astro projects with Neovim

Astro is a fast & dynamic web framework designed to be flexible enough for small static websites, blogs, big interactive apps, and more. I’ve been interested in checking it out since building silly little static websites that are “Content-first” is a fun past-time of mine. Since Neovim is my main text editor, it took abit of configuration fu to get things up and running. Herein is my Astro setup: Prerequisites You probably already have most of these tools installed since they have become synonymous with most Neovim configs:...

March 16, 2024

Awk: A beginners guide for humans

Earlier this week, I had a file of names, each delimited by a newline: john jack jill But really, I needed this file to be in the form: { "full_name": "name" }, This file wasn’t absolutely huge, but it was big enough that editing it manually would have been annoying. I thought to myself, “instead of editing this file manually or generating it correctly, how can I spend the maximum amount of time using a bespoke tool to get it in the right format?...

March 3, 2024

Job scheduling with tmux

Tmux is one of my favorite utilities: it’s a terminal multiplexer that lets you create persistent shell sessions, panes, windows, etc. all within a single terminal. It’s a great way to organize your shell sessions and natively give you multi-shell environments to work in without having to rely on a terminal program for those features. You’d think in a world of modern applications and fancy terminals like iTerm 2 and Kitty, you wouldn’t need such a utility....

January 15, 2024

2023 in review

I had a huge year. And every year, around this time, when I have a well deserved opportunity to take a break and prepare for the next year, I like to reflect: think on the year’s accomplishments, derive some lessons learned, and drink in everything from my experiences. Herein are my musings and thoughts regarding the last year. Leaving AWS I still think about my time at AWS: it was a short, but very sweet and formative period for me....

January 1, 2024

4 billion Go if statements

I recently read this excellent little bit of programming horror titled: “4 billion if statements”. It chronicles how one could use an insane number of hard coded if statements to check if any given 32 bit number is even or odd. Instead of do this the normal and efficient way with a modulus operator and for loop, hard coding if statements requires some clever meta programming, some custom assembly code, and a nearly 40 GB compiled binary for all the comparisons....

December 28, 2023