Editing Astro projects with Neovim

Astro is a fast & dynamic web framework designed to be flexible enough for small static websites, blogs, big interactive apps, and more. I’ve been interested in checking it out since building silly little static websites that are “Content-first” is a fun past-time of mine.

Since Neovim is my main text editor, it took abit of configuration fu to get things up and running.

Herein is my Astro setup:


You probably already have most of these tools installed since they have become synonymous with most Neovim configs:

  • A newer version of Neovim - At the time of this writing, the latest version is v0.9.5. I typically recommend staying on the latest Neovim version since it gets you the latest features that various plugins may take advantage of.
  • A package manager - these days, I (and it seems most of the Neovim community) typically recommend Lazy.nvim
  • Treesitter for Neovim - an essential tool for syntax parsing and definitions.

Install Treesitter parsers

Astro files are actually amalgamations of several technologies. Depending on your Astro configuration, there may be HTML, Typescript, CSS, JavaScript, Tsx, etc.

In order to get syntax highlighting and parsing, you’ll need to install a few Treesitter parsers that enable Treesitter to introspect the different chunks of an Astro file:

On the Neovim command palate, first make sure Treesitter is updated:


Then, install the parsers:

:TSInstall astro
:TSInstall css
:TSInstall typescript
:TSInstall tsx

Depending on your Treesitter setup, you may choose to ensure these parsers are always installed via the nvim-treesitter plugin:

	ensured_installed = {

This way, you don’t have to manually remember to install these parsers: they’ll just be there thanks to Treesitter’s config.

Treesitter grammar plugin

Having the parsers alone won’t give Treesitter everything it needs to correctly parse and crawl your Astro files: you’ll also need to install this community plugin that provides Treesitter with the appropriate grammar for how to actually use the parsers we’ve installed to interpret those files.

In the future, this may eventually be upstreamed into Treesitter itself. But for now, at the time of this writing, you’ll need this additional plugin to instruct Treesitter on how to understand .astro files.

In short, this ensures that the Astro specification is understood by Treesitter:


having Typescript highlighting and syntax definitions in the frontmatter. And HTML / Tsx in the rest of the .astro file.

To install the plugin, using Lazy in your lua configs:

-- Astro treesitter grammar bindings
{ "virchau13/tree-sitter-astro" },

Astro language server

As you may already know, language servers for Neovim are the bread and butter of modern code editing. Without one, you’re almost back to the dark age.

In order to get modern functionality when editing your Astro files (like inline suggestions, “Go to definition”, “Refactor across project”, “Find types”, etc.) you’ll need an Astro language server.

To install the server for use by Neovim, you can get it globally via npm:

npm install -g @astrojs/language-server

Optional: Install language server through Mason

These days, I’ve moved away from installing one off bespoke editor tools from a myriad of ecosystems. And, instead, have chosen to unify my editor toolchain using Mason:

:MasonInstall astro-language-server

This installs the language server through the Mason framework and allows me to manage all of my Neovim editor tools (LSPs, DAPs, linters, etc.) from within Mason instead of through one off package managers. More importantly, it gives me consistency across the many different machines I may be using my Neovim configs with: no more jumping to a new machine and having to remember what commands I used to install some random, one-off tool. Now, it’s all just managed by Mason.

Further, within Mason’s config (and the mason-lspconfig config helper plugin) I can force the Astro language server to be installed automatically.


-- Ensures the servers named in nvim-lspconfig are installed by Mason
-- github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/master/doc/server_configurations.md

	ensure_installed = {

Configure your Astro language server

To actually enable and attach your Astro language server when editing .astro files, you’ll need to configure it via the nvim-lspconfig plugin; the configuration binding plugin for all language servers used by Neovim.

To install nvim-lspconfig via Lazy.nvim:

-- nvim LSP configs
{ "neovim/nvim-lspconfig" },

Configuring the language server is actually rather simple, but it’s an important step to ensure .astro files are “seen” by Neovim and attached to your installed Astro language server:

local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")

-- Astro langauge server

For a full understanding of the defaults and possible configuration options, read up on it here.


And that’s it! This gets you the basic setup with syntax highlighting, the Astro language server, etc. Happy coding!